#015 - Comparing 1890 with 2020

Comparing the shoreline of Vancouver Harbour in 2020 and the shoreline from an old Admiralty map of the region from 1893. After vectorization, four shorelines emerge, northern 1890 (yellow) and 2020 (blue) and southern 1890 (purple) and 2020 (red). Total length for will be calculated independently for each. No islands are accounted for, only the main shoreline.



The length of the northern shoreline in 1890 is about 58 kilometers, while in 2020 it is about 66 kilometers.



The length of the southern shoreline in 1890 is about 109 kilometers, while in 2020 it is about 111 kilometers.



Many thanks to fellow PhD researcher Greig Olford who vectorized and georectified the 1890 shoreline shown above using ArcGIS. The shoreline for 2020 is stitched together from ENC files by the Canadian Hydrographic Service.